Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Living The Single Life

This weekend was a very busy one for me. I had family from out of state come and visit. We met up with each other in the "sticks" of NC. Now when I say "sticks" I mean "one main stop light and the name of the town in front of every business establishment you see"....My people my people they have not left there and will continue to live in that small town state of mind.....Needless to say I am tired from all the coming and going that was done between where I live and who we saw.....Now this post isn't about my family visit but more so about the news that was delivered to me right before my mom, my aunt, and my brother left to go to the country....

A close friend of the family (named) "Lady" had been seeing this guy (named) "Creeper". Lady and Creeper had been seeing each other for 2yrs. All was well between the two she had him around her daughter and even took him home to meet her family. Well, like the story goes all good things must come to an end eventually. Creeper who is a motor coach operator has been seeing another female (named) "Woman" for 3yrs. Now Lady found this out because her friend who works with Creeper and Woman was conversing with an outside female and found out that the two were in fact together. Lady's friend left a note in Woman's car then called Lady to let her know what the deal was. Now here is the messed up part here. Lady had been giving it to Creeper on the regular. He would come to her house after work and would stay until the wee hours of the night. This was due to Woman having a second job. Well, the day before Lady found out about his backward ways the two had sex....he's a nasty bastard!!!

This dude, when he got caught had the audacity to call Lady and her friend miserable B****es and then said that they would continue to be lonely. To make a long story short this dude did the ultimate to her. He stood by her in some of her toughest times and even told her he cared about her, but how much did he care if he had a woman already and they are ENGAGED and BUYING A HOUSE!!!!

Now I know all men are not like this but situations like this keep for ever thankful to be living the single life.

****I should post the bastard's real name Deon, but that would be wrong of me now would it??? I mean how do I look putting a dirty d**k mofo on blast like that???? And if he reads this oh well should've kept his behind at home were he belongs!!!!

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