Friday, October 16, 2009

Facing My Past for the Future

I've been waiting and debating for so long on whether I should write this post or not. By writing this I have to come to terms with some things that happened in my past. I would have to face some realities and truths that go along with this. However, this past Sunday my pastor made a goo comment about having skeletons in the closet and for some people we may have bodies in our closet. Well, I have one issue that I have never faced still dangling in my closet. I have never told anyone until now. Actually, it took me up until yesterday to really admit to myself what happened and the effects that I suffered also.

When I was around 5 or 6 my next door neighbor, she was not too much older than me, would come over to play with me sometimes. Well one day she said she wanted to play a game were she was a "boy" and I was a "girl." I said okay, and so we started playing and next thing I know she begins to touch me in all of the wrong areas. At first I didn't like it but she convinced me that we were just playing and that no one would never know. She said that she did this with all of her friends. So we kept playing and she then asked me to lay down so that she could "do it to me." She repeatedly touched me and rubbed her body against mine. She kept telling me that no one would find out and that if I wanted to continue being her friend we would have to switch places. Meaning I would play the boy and she would be the "girl." She would coach me on were to touch her and how to rub up against her. I never told anyone cause she said friends wouldn't tell on each other. So, as the years went by I just put it in the back of my memory until recently. I have been going through some personal recognition and truths so that I can move forward with my life. Releasing this has made me feel a lot better. As to whether or not I believed she molested me, I don't know? Maybe one would say she did and someone else would say she didn't. I just know that now I don't have this stuck in my mind as a bottled up memory so I am at peace with myself.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Depressed No More!!

Hey...I'm back..People I tell you. I was going through some changes. My job had to let me go for month and I should be back to work in November (thank God). My personal life isn't going the way I want it to go. So for a while I have been in a very quiet mood.....But all of that has changed now!!!

I don't know what was going on with me. For that past several weeks I've been in a major funk. I don't know if I was depressed, hurt, or just not feeling life at that moment. However, your girl is doing much better now. I think a switch just went off and said "Okay, its time to move on." Moving on is just what I did. I've started a new workout plan, got a new hairstyle, and bought some new clothes and shoes. I had to cheer myself and start down my new road of self discovery. I think my change of mood may have something to do with the change of the season. Fall is here and there are new beginnings all around me. I can hardly wait to step into my destiny!

As time goes on I will be more consistent with my life changes as well as posting new things along with venturing out. Not only will I be venturing out more in my personal life, but in the blog world as well. I got some new ideas floating around in my head and very soon they will be manifesting themselves in my life and the lives of others. Until then, talk to you all later!!!