Thursday, August 27, 2009

Semi-Update...the same ol' same ol'

Okay I'm here....been busy for a while..not having the internet at home is getting me too. I tell you if hasn't been one thing after another. I got back from my trip to Ecuador at the beginning of the month. Came back home sick with bronchitis and upper respirtory infection. I stayed out of work for an extra week (my Lord). Come back to work with a mountain of papers on my desk and day by day the stack gets larger. Now my job my job. Am I thankful for it yes, do I like everyone here--NO!! You always have those that nose around in your business. Well in my case that person or person(s) nosing around got me called into a private meeting with my two managers. Now these people could have saved their breaths cause what they were speaking about I already knew. I tell you this someone around here better keep my name out of their mouth and worry about their own job.

I know this is just a hard attempt by the devil to knock me off my game of walking in the glory of God. However, he will not win....I'm more than a conquorer through Jesus Christ!!!! Now they have some people playing babsitter with me like I don't know it. Its three nosey women and I know they are guilty because when I look at them they can't look me in the eye. One of them was face to face with me from a distance (a short one) and she quickly turned her head. This little old lady needs to take heed just as the rest do. They don't know that by messing with and trying to underhand a child of the Kingdom is the same as doing the Almighty the same way. He created all of us in his own image. Following his plan for our life is a choice we must make but for the ones that do no weapons formed against us will prosper. That is why these people around here need to be careful. I'm not perfect in anyway possible but I do have a relationship with my Father. His hand is mighty and his wrath is feirce. Going against him in all his ways will only result in spiritual death for the wicked.

With that being said I'm done speaking about subject!!!....tbc: to be continued

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Read My Mind

"He Loves Me (Lyzel In E Flat)"

You love me especially different every time
You keep me on my feet happily excited
By your cologne, your hands, your smile, your intelligence
You woo me, you court me, you tease me, you please me
You school me, give me some things to think about
Ignite me, you invite me, you co-write me, you love me, you like me
You incite me to chorus, ooh

You love me especially different every time
You keep me on my feet happily excited
By your cologne, your hands, your smile, your intelligence
You woo me, you court me, you tease me, you please me
You school me, give me things to think about
Invite me, you ignite me, co-write me, you love me, you like me
Incite me to chorus
La, la, la...
Da, da, da...
Do, do, do...

You're different and special
You're different and special in every way imaginable
You love me from my hair follicles to my toenails
You got me feeling like the breeze, easy and free and lovely and new
Oh when you touch me I just can't control it
When you touch me, I just can't hold it
The emotion inside of me, I can feel it


Jill did her thing with this song. I mean if someone were to ask me to describe my ideal man I would just play this song. Its like she was in my head when she wrote this. Even though I was in high school when this CD was dropped the song still resides in my heart. It brings me back to a guy that I was crushing on in high school as well as a close male friend of mine from college. I can put this song on and just drift away. I love how she says "you co-write me"...I mean that is one thing every woman is looking for in a man. To have that special someone to compliment you in every way is almost magical. When I get married I am most definitely going to play this song at my love love the song as if you couldn't tell.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Taking A Break and Having Fun

I saw this over at Sharon's place and thought it would be a good way to break the mood I'm in while at work. I will give this a try seems like fun. What you do is pick an Artist then use the titles of their songs for the answers to the questions.

Pick your Artist: Michale Jackson

Are you a male or female:"PYT"

Describe yourself:"Smooth Criminal"

How do you feel:"Never Can Say Goodbye"

Describe where you currently live:"I Wanna be Where You Are"

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?"Rock With You"

Your favorite form of transportation:"Butterflies"

Your best friend?"Dirty Diana"

You and your best friends are:"Dangerous"

What's the weather like:"Shake Body Down to the Ground"

Favorite time of day:"Rockin' Robin"

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:"Remember the Time"

What is life to you:"Leave Me Alone"

Your relationship:"You Are Not Alone"

Your fear:"Gone too Soon"

What is the best advice you have to give:"The Man in the Mirror"

Thought for the Day:"Don't Stop 'Till You Get Enough"

How I would like to die:"Thriller"

My soul's present condition:"Off The Wall"

My motto:"Beat It"

I must say this was fun...Amazing to see how I relate these songs to my life..Will forever be a MJ fan.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Made It Through.....God Kept Me Here!!

I enjoyed my trip and would not change a thing that happened especially getting sick. Getting sick is all apart of the journey to Ecuador. Its something you can't really avoid--it just happens. This year for me it hit me really hard. I came home with a bad chest cold that I gave to my mother. She in turn got a viral infection and my chest cold turned into bronchitis and an upper respiratory infection. Now this to a blind eye may seem like a consequence of place and circumstance. However, to my spiritual eye I know this was an attempt of the devil. He knew he couldn't break my focus while I was gone so he wanted to knock me down while I was at home. He knows the circumstance I'm facing here at home and he knows that I need to be at work, but I give God glory anyway. I may not be 100% in my body just yet but like the saying goes "One monkey don't stop no show" and my show will not be canceled by the attempts of someone that fell from grace---NOT HERE NOT NOW NOT NEVER!!!

Well what can I say. I made it!! I went to Ecuador and back with God's grace and mercy on my shoulders. My trip this year was different to say the least. There was a lot of warfare in the spiritual going on. It seem like everyone had something going on with them by way of the devil. He tried and he tried to take our focus but in the end God already claimed the victory. I was blessed by so many people and families. I was actually pulled out of my element by my pastor this year. He asked me to do intake with him. We sat down with the families and took notes on what some of their medical issues were before they saw the doctor. This was trying for me a first because I know very little Spanish but the amount that I do know was enough to understand the needs and concerns of the people coming in.

I can't tell you how many people/families came in with the flu, parasites, bronchitis, inflammation of the body, vision problem, or all of the above. It sadden me to see the really young and the really old. They were the worse patients. They were the ones that could hardly do for themselves and to see them go through so much pain was heartbreaking. I know here seeing a single mother is nothing new but to see one down there is something completely different. Being a single mother there means literally having no money and no way of getting assistance. At least here the government will step in and give some type of aid versus in Ecuador or the city of Guayaquil, were the government is pretty much ran on the notion of autonomy.

For the entire time we were doing the make-shift medical clinic we were located in the most dangerous part of the city. We didn't know how dangerous it was until we found out that our three bus drivers had been robbed at gun point while we were working one day. Now the gang members that did this could have come in and really hurt us and did more damage to our drivers, but by the grace of God all they did was take their money and cell phones. No one was harmed physically so thank God for that.

I do have more to tell and as the days go by and I begin to feel better I will post more with pictures too....until them....