Thursday, August 27, 2009

Semi-Update...the same ol' same ol'

Okay I'm here....been busy for a while..not having the internet at home is getting me too. I tell you if hasn't been one thing after another. I got back from my trip to Ecuador at the beginning of the month. Came back home sick with bronchitis and upper respirtory infection. I stayed out of work for an extra week (my Lord). Come back to work with a mountain of papers on my desk and day by day the stack gets larger. Now my job my job. Am I thankful for it yes, do I like everyone here--NO!! You always have those that nose around in your business. Well in my case that person or person(s) nosing around got me called into a private meeting with my two managers. Now these people could have saved their breaths cause what they were speaking about I already knew. I tell you this someone around here better keep my name out of their mouth and worry about their own job.

I know this is just a hard attempt by the devil to knock me off my game of walking in the glory of God. However, he will not win....I'm more than a conquorer through Jesus Christ!!!! Now they have some people playing babsitter with me like I don't know it. Its three nosey women and I know they are guilty because when I look at them they can't look me in the eye. One of them was face to face with me from a distance (a short one) and she quickly turned her head. This little old lady needs to take heed just as the rest do. They don't know that by messing with and trying to underhand a child of the Kingdom is the same as doing the Almighty the same way. He created all of us in his own image. Following his plan for our life is a choice we must make but for the ones that do no weapons formed against us will prosper. That is why these people around here need to be careful. I'm not perfect in anyway possible but I do have a relationship with my Father. His hand is mighty and his wrath is feirce. Going against him in all his ways will only result in spiritual death for the wicked.

With that being said I'm done speaking about subject!!!....tbc: to be continued


  1. He has most definitely been busy! Causing confusion all around is, I myself just resigned because of some workplace hating...

    but I know he has bigger and better things in store for me...

    Just keep walking in faith!

  2. I know how it can be, I am struggling with getting up and going to work daily.

    Better things will come. . .keep the faith.
