Thursday, January 7, 2010

S.O.S..Same Old Sssshhhhh...ttttt!..with a side of mystery sauce!

When I first started this blog I had every intention on posting something everyday, week, and month. Well some how my focused changed, my love for writing changed, shoot I don't even have an excuse. So while I'm in the middle of homework--I've decided to put my procrastination aside and put something out here.

I really haven't visited the other sites that I used to frequent. I miss them so much. It has been what---2 months since my last post. Somethings have changed for me for one I am now in school getting my master's degree--2 snaps for me!! I will be the first in my family to receive such an honor. Other than going to school there really hasn't been anything new in my life. However, my friends, of course keep me entertained for days on end with there drama. Where should I start?

Best Friend:

She is done with that "chic" and is now talking to her ex-boyfriend again. You know the same one that had her spazzing out on the phone with me. Your boy has some serious issues and she does too. I don't know what to say about this one. He needs someone to be there for him cause his family isn't but I don't think it is healthy for her to be that person he leans on. Maybe its just me but I see the cycle of them going through pain and pleasure all over again. Only time will tell what happens and I will inform you all about it.


Now this female is seeing has been seeing this lazy, ignorant, piece of a man for over a year now. He half way works, has no respect for her, and is married--which he lied about. Now when she found out he was married his wife told her...How you may ask? Get this his wife contacted my friend via FACEBOOK!!!.....I was on complete mute when that happened...all you could hear in my head was *crickets singing*....they have gone through some more stuff, but my issue with her is that she keeps saying she is tired of him. She can't be too tired cause they have moved twice since being together--with her paying for everything during both moves. From the things she has told me about this dude--I DON'T TRUST HIM!!...She said she planned to leave him on Dec. 31st well that day has come and gone and he is still there. Well it is Jan. 7 and she hasn't been to work in 2 days. I don't know what is going on, but I'm not going to jump to any conclusions. All I know is, if this girl does not come to work tomorrow I will be calling her. If she doesn't call, text, or hit me up on facebook...suspect #1 will be getting a knock at the door from the police!! I just have a gut feeling that if she tries to leave him he will go crazy. I know one time she was going to leave him. She had found a place for her and her kids (none of them his). Everything was in order and when it was time for her to move she got mysteriously sick...I mean hospital sick--seizure and all. I think ol' dude put something in her food cause he is the only one that cooks in the house.....Jeenkies Shaggy I Smell A Mystery!!!!...I will inform you on what happens later.

Oh for the few follower that I do have thanks for not removing yourself and for the new one I noticed...thanks!!! I won't be gone for too long this time--I Promise!!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, this is the first step back to writing more regularly now where's the second step?
