Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Okay...So now I'm a lesbian AGAIN!!!

Lol...Woooo!! This is that what popped into my head when best friend told me that she was liking this female. Oh my goodness!......OH SNAP...WAIT A MINUTE!

I'm sorry I know its been a while since I've been here! Been too busy and had too many distractions, but now a chic is focused...okay back to my story!

My birthday was earlier this month and I went to visit my best friend for the weekend. I can honestly say that we are going in two different directions with our lives. She is still in party mode and I am ready to be the Christian God has called me to be. However, we managed to meet in the middle and have a good time. Let me tell you, I love her like a sister, but she is a puff and a drink away from being some type of an addict. She was always a drinker, but would never drink to get drunk now she is drinking and not knowing how much money she spent at the bar. She now drinks to get drunk...SO LAME--before someone goes in on me--I've told her that was lame.

Well she has just broken up with a boyfriend that was less than perfect and in the end only cared about himself. There were plenty of nights were she would call me at 1am crying about how he doesn't care. There were also plenty of nights were I would tell her she needs to put herself first and stop losing herself in relationships, but she didn't listen until it was too late...

Now she is liking this female...her liking females is nothing new b/c when we were in undergrad together she was dating a female and I was put in between each and one of their many problems....WHY ME!!!....she said after that relationship was over she wouldn't date any other female...LIE!...I guess one would have to know my friend in order to know why I'm annoyed. I'm annoyed b/c I know exactly were this relationship will go and who will once again be stressed! I just want to yell "love yourself enough to know that being in a relationship right now is not healthy...get to know yourself!" She talks a good game, but can never live up to it....so now she is not liking men anymore. Now she's back to women!!! Nothing but flip flopping and back switching going on here!!

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