Thursday, April 21, 2011


That is exactly where my home was this past Saturday.....I know I have been away for a while. I haven't been in the mood to "write" or "talk"...however you want to put it....However the events that unfolded this past Saturday has completely changed that.

There were a series of sever thunderstorms that came in from the Midwest part of the country. These storms had already killed 9 people, I think, in Oklahoma. The crazy thing is that during the day Saturday I was on the phone with my best friend talking, the sun was shining, and it was feeling great outside. We had the door to our deck open getting some fresh air, then all of a sudden the sky starts getting dark. I do remember the news saying something about storms coming our way, but no one knew it would be this bad. I was on the phone with my friend for a good while. While talking to her I kept noticing the wind picking up and the rain getting harder. After we hung up, I started looking at the news and they had did a complete interruption of the current program. The weatherman was reporting how a tornado or tornadoes had gone through some counties south of me. I began to worry because I have family in those counties. The funny thing about this ordeal was that my mom was in her room watching the news while I was in the living room. The weatherman said that it was going to hit our area in 10 minutes and it was going got be hard and fast.

Right then my mom and I had the same thought. We need to get dressed and go take cover in her bathroom. We were moving like the wind through our place getting clothing, medication, laptops, and anything else we thought we may have needed. It was so crazy because as soon as we got everything together the power was going in and out. We finally make it into her bathroom and as soon as we do we hear trees snapping, wind blowing, debree hitting the building....I mean it was SCARY!! As soon as it all happened it was finished. Like any sever storm afterwards the sun comes out and the rain stops. We along with our neighbors look out back to see huge trees that now look like rubble, one huge tree missed our building by inches, the main road behind us was blocked with trees on both sides. It was a complete mess. The neighborhood grocery store was damaged as well as the neighborhood(s) behind it.

The damage was surreal....I mean my mom and I heard everything and felt everything but God spared our lives and the people of in our neighborhood. After everything was over...we had to make those phone calls to make sure everyone was safe. My sister-in-law was driving back from the country, but she made it home safely. My aunt and uncle's families were both okay...just no power. Now my cousin and her family lost everything!!! It was her, her husband, and their son. She told her husband that they should clean out the downstairs closet just in case.....well as soon as they cleaned out the closet they had to get in it...her husband went upstairs to get something and that's when he saw the funnel cloud. They got in the closet and next thing they knew they were outside with the house all around them. One of my friends said he didn't know anything about the storm and was in his truck when the tornado came, a huge oak tree was on his house. A family from my church had a tree come through their kitchen and to top everything my 70+ year old aunt was hospitalized with chest pains.

My area lost power at 3:45 Saturday and did not get power until mid day Wednesday. There was a lot of candle burning, flashlight using, and getting home before dark that took place these past few days........After everything unfolded 23 within our state lost their lives including 4 children under the age of 10....the mobile home park they stayed in was demolished. It was so sad because the adult with them lost her 2 children and the other two were her nephews....they had nowhere to go but in a closet and a 100 year old oak tree fell on them! One of the HBCUs here cancelled class for the rest of the semester due to sever damage sustained to the campus. After thinking about everything I just fell into the greatest praise thanking God for keeping all of my family. You don't realize how serious it is until you have time to reflect....and I mean my mom and I could have easily been taken away but God didn't pull our number yet.

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