Saturday, April 25, 2009

Issue One Revisited

I was gonna do a post that I had seen on one of my friends facebook page about 100 truths, but after reading his I decided that it was just tooooo long!!!

I don't really have much to say. I guess I still have some things on my mind that will be settled in due time. I know I'm on the verge of telling my mother that I'm ready to leave and be on my own. I haven't had the chance to be on my own and experience "my adulthood." Like I stated before I don't want to see my mother struggling once I leave but I know I will need a more stable job in order move out on my own. I gotta make some moves because I'm starting to get agitated with myself and my mother. My moods have been shifty as of late. It just makes me mad at times. I love my mother and its nothing against her but I'm way past ready to be out on my own. I don't want to be thirty and still at home. I feel like I haven't accomplished much since I graduated college.

I've been looking at apartments that would fit into my budget right now, but I wouldn't want to go anywhere with out first consulting God and my mother. I haven't gotten confirmation from the Lord, unless I've missed his voice and calling-----LORD I HOPE NOT!!!! In due time I will have all the answers.

Friday, April 17, 2009


OKAY....that is all I can say today. This word goes for my attitude, my mood, my train of thought...EVERYTHING!!! I mean there are still situations (big and small) that have not completely went away, but in the midst I'm still doing okay. There are still somethings from the past that are still on my mind, but they will work themselves out with the help of prayer of course.

This weekend I plan on taking my mind off of some of my current situations by going out with a group of people. I say people and not friends because I only know 3 of the females and I consider them "cool" and my "home-girl", but like the title says they're OKAY...!! We are suppose to be going to a party of some sorts. I'm not a big fan of clubs and the party scene but it has been a while since I really went out and I'm looking forward to going. I know the night is going to be interesting, how interesting well, I will see when everything goes down. Its the weekend, negros just got paid, and wanna show off what they don't have!

Speaking of those that don't have. Why is that people who have no pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of are some of the most pickiest people?.......I know 2 people like that one of them just so happen to be married to my be continued cause this chick needs her own post!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This N***a Here

I don't like using the "N" word but given the current situation it seems to be the only word that fits. Okay, My god-daughter's mother is now pregnant for the fifth time with this making her third child. She had one miscarriage from her kids father and another one with the guy she is with currently. Don't get me wrong children are a blessing but when you become careless in your methods of birth control or the lack there of you need the s**t shook out of you.

This girl has a bad habit of dealing with worthless BOYS....Her kids father would beat her whenever he felt like it. Take for instance when she was 7 months pregnant with my god-daughter he beat and he went to jail for it. After I'll say a year she let him move back in with her and one day while in the kitchen he hauled off and punched her in the ear. Okay, she left him alone and about a few months later she took him some place and in the middle of traffic he tells her it "smells like another n***a in here" and commence to beating her the front seat of her car. Now "WOW" and "WHY" was all I could say about that situation. Well she finally left him alone and went to another "no gooda".

The guy she is with now is her Manager's son (she works at Taco Bell) and he DOESN'T work and already has a child. Let me back up a sec. She met him while at work because he was dating another female that worked with her. They started messing around, he broke up with the girl, and now my friend is pregnant. Now in the midst of this so-called relationship he has left her for no reason, left her kids at daycare and didn't call while driving her car, and who knows what else. Now the kicker comes here: She told him she was pregnant and this n***a here gone tell her to get an abortion cause he "don't want anymore kids now"!!! All I could do was laugh at her because she is the one playing herself stupid. I told she needs to drop him and go her own way for her kids sake.

I love my friend dearly but when she told me this mess of a situation I had to lay it on the line and tell her what was real and what reality is gonna be like for her. She tried to cut the conversation short so next time we speak she is gonna hear what I have to say if she listens to me well, that is another story for another day.


She just texted me after her doctor's appointment. The doctor told her she is pregnant in her tube so she will not be carrying this baby. Well, in a way that is good cause she is already clueless with two kids and a third with a worthless man would have made things worse in my opinion!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

No Money Mo' Problems

Still no computer of my own. Hopefully by this weekend I will have the software I need in order to get rid of the virus on my computer.

People say the more money you have the more problems that come. That is true but right now I am going through "no money and mo' problems." Am I tapped out-NO but my tank isn't running on full either. I get paid on Friday and stretching my dollar on Monday. Am I complaining-NO cause I could easily be like the other million people that are living without a job right now.

Okay enough with boring you and me with my financial issues. It seems like once you get rid of one problem another comes hightailing it in the door. Now I rarely let people take me to a point where I just want to lose my cool. For one I could be using that energy on something else and two if I lose my cool I know I will be visiting the Gray Bar Hotel with a 23 hour lock down restriction....!!!! Now this one lady at my job has been trying to slowly test me. This lady only has about 2 more good times of testing me before I really let her old behind have it. She along with some of the other people at my job have become one big thorn in my posterior. They think they know everything when they can't see what's in their face for looking too hard! I am going through enough personal mess to put up with unnecessary foolishness at work.

Then there is still the lingering foolishness of a mess that is going on in my life. My tension headaches have ceased but the problems are still there. I am restructuring my relationship with Christ so in that process I have learned to give all problems to him. It seems as if I can't work on my mess cause people are coming at me with their issues. I don't mind listening and giving advice cause that is what I do best as a friend but some days I need to be the one to vent out my issues (hence this blog). At times it seems as if I am the third party in everyone elses relationship. When the waters are rough they call me, when they decide to not settle they call me, and when they feel like everything has gone wrong or will go wrong they call me all while crying. Then there is this one friend, he calls me when every female he has come in contact with does him wrong. Now he's calling me and when we talk he tries to hint around and keep tabs on what I have been doing and who I'm doing it with....FOOLISHNESS!!!

These problems may not seem major but they are my problems and they have been on going for far too long. Foolishness around, living on a limit man "No Money and Mo' Problems"......