Saturday, April 25, 2009

Issue One Revisited

I was gonna do a post that I had seen on one of my friends facebook page about 100 truths, but after reading his I decided that it was just tooooo long!!!

I don't really have much to say. I guess I still have some things on my mind that will be settled in due time. I know I'm on the verge of telling my mother that I'm ready to leave and be on my own. I haven't had the chance to be on my own and experience "my adulthood." Like I stated before I don't want to see my mother struggling once I leave but I know I will need a more stable job in order move out on my own. I gotta make some moves because I'm starting to get agitated with myself and my mother. My moods have been shifty as of late. It just makes me mad at times. I love my mother and its nothing against her but I'm way past ready to be out on my own. I don't want to be thirty and still at home. I feel like I haven't accomplished much since I graduated college.

I've been looking at apartments that would fit into my budget right now, but I wouldn't want to go anywhere with out first consulting God and my mother. I haven't gotten confirmation from the Lord, unless I've missed his voice and calling-----LORD I HOPE NOT!!!! In due time I will have all the answers.

1 comment:

  1. I have lived on my own for some time now, guess I take it for granted. There is nothing better than having your own place to call home.

    It will all work it self out.
