Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Young and the Helpless........Man I'm Tired!!

Okay people, when I started my journey I knew that I would not be alone. However, I did not know that I would have someone else's emotional baggage traveling with me. This baggage comes in the form of my best friend and the issue of love. She has been dating and playing house with this guy for almost a year. Now the issue that lies underneath is that he was in love with another female prior to my best friend and during the course of that relationship she hurt him. According to my friend this past female has now soured him on all women and how to love them.

Now I said all of that to say this: She calls me about twice a week with the same issues of surrounding their relationship. I feel like there are four people that are actively involve with two of them not really having a choice but to be put in the middle. That being me and the female from the past. This female has played a vital part in many arguments one being when my best friend's boyfriend started contacting his ex again without her knowing about it. Now my friend found out b/c she went snooping in his phone. I don't condone that, but what's done is done and now they are at a serious point of almost no return. He is now spending his time and money for the bill on strip clubs and lap dances. Oh and he doesn't like giving my friend money if and when she needs it. My friend now spends her time crying and going through the motions of the same merry-go-round cycle. Now every time these problems come up guess who gets a phone call at all times of the night.......that's right ME........!

I will be the first to admit that I have ignored her phone calls because I find myself repeating the advice that I've given in the past only to have her not take heed to it. If that makes me a bad friend then I'm sorry, but sometimes I just don't want to hear it. She gets so wrapped up in "loving" someone that she loses herself in the process and then breaks down to almost nothing. Man it makes me tired some days just thinking about it. I try to encourage her but she gets so stubborn that nothing will penetrate and I will not waste my time on no one friend or not.

Wanna know something funny....I completely forgot what angle I was going for when I started this post. See that's because my friend has been going through the motions all night and letting me know every little detail via text messaging. Man I'm tired.......what is a girl to do (that goes for me and my best friend).

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I can truly empathise with your friend here, for have I not lost myself in love to a point of no return even when you know you gotta get out asap and that he's just not that into you..Neway the only thing I do different here is 'not' write to my best friend all the time about it, since I was too weak to heed her advice-its not fair on her.
    So I do the next best(bad) thing - I write these poems or text on my blod to bore people outa their wits :)
