Thursday, July 23, 2009


Well I have been here since Saturday July 18th. I am getting ready for my second to last full day of work. I cannot wait to post some pictures from this year. God has really blessed me this time around. I would have never thought that I would be doing the intake process. I am not fluent in spanish by no means but here I am sitting and asking them what is wrong what are their medical problems and trying to get them guided in the right direction!!!! In only a few short days I have seen so much. The one thing I can honestly say it that we Americans are SELFISH!!! We have everything at our finger tips and yet we still are not satisfied. I see children here living with no running water, having to drink parasite infested water, or better yet not eating for days at a time. They grow up so fast and its heart breaking. They play soccer wherever they can find space whether it is the street or an open feild riddled with broken glass. The stinch here is awful. Imagine having to wake up day after day to deizle fuel and trash. The inside of my nose is black due to the fumes but these people live like this on a daily basis. I find myself complaining about my job but to them I am rich. The people here are doing good if they make .90cents an hour compared to our $7.50 at minimum wage......The hotel workers here make only $104 a month!!!! And we have the nerve to complain about not getting a raise or taking a pay cut. There is so much more to be said and I will later I have to get ready to leave for work today, but think about this....We complain about things that can be changed over time because nothing is permanent when the word ¨change¨ is involved.....quote to be continued.......

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your experience and time helping others...May God bless you...very commendable.
