Friday, July 3, 2009

Been a long time...Deliverance

Hmmm....its been a while since I've sat down and posted. I've been extremely busy. It seems like all of my free time has been taken up by something or someone. It seems like my roads have been getting longer and the journey even harder. For the past three weeks I have not been able to get enough rest. I go to bed at 1 or 2 in the morning then wake up a 6. So much going on in my life (good and trying times).

My mom hasn't been doing the best health wise. She went to the doctor and will be out of work for a week now. On top of that we had to meet with a housing counselor today because we are behind on our mortgage payments (like so many other families...but I don't blame Obama like some others do). The meeting went wonderfully. Our counselor was really cool and helpful. He spoke with us as if he already knew us which made it very helpful. I'm trying to get a new job and go back to school all while getting ready to miss a week from work myself so I can go to Ecuador. I know some people wouldn't understand why I'm going to Ecuador now, bu I know God has a plan for my life and that if I'm gonna do his work I'm gonna have to go to far places to reach those in need. Also, I know he has called me to go to Ecuador. The people there live in my heart daily.

In the midst of going through all of this. I have not complained and will not complain. I know that brighter days are ahead and God has a bigger picture for me already laid out. I've been dealing with some things in the spiritual since, but after last week I now stand taller and stronger. We had our singles conference at church last week and I must say I was truly blessed. Now, before I go any further let me explain what the title "Singles Conference" really means. This ministry at church is not geared towards meeting people or hooking up and not even a dating service. So just because it says "singles" it doesn't imply that. Yes we are single and in church but the main focus is to be a place were people who are single can come and get guidance and seek Christ with others that are in church. Our main focus is the first, edify the body of Christ, second let people who are single know that they are not alone in this chaotic world, and third allow others to come and fellowship with saints in the church that are true about salvation while offering an alternatives to other methods of the "world."

To God be the glory because I am coming out of some serious problems, but I have given them to God. I also speak deliverance to the problems of the future. Whatever they maybe or how hard they may get, God has already dealt with them and declared my victory!!!

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