Sunday, February 8, 2009

And The Award Goes To:

Sharon "The True Urban Queen" thought I had a fabulous blog and decided to put on the list of her five or more people. I feel honored because I am new to the blogging world. Well here are my five in no particular order.

Here are the rules:

1. You need to list 5 Addictions that you have.
2. You have to pass this Tag to five (5) or more people with fabulous Blogs.

MY FIVE ADDICTIONS (the clean version):

1. The First 48: I have been addicted to this show every since season one back in 2004. I don't know what it is about the show? I guess its me wanting to be working in the legal field. I plan on going to law school and I just love trying to read the body language of those who are lying.

2. Shoes: Especially heels. I cannot have enough high heels. Every time I promise myself that I'm going to buy flats for work I end up buying high heels instead. I believe its a borderline fetish.

3. Handbags: This is almost as bad as my love for shoes. Doesn't matter the color as long as the style is unique. I bought a really cute caramel colored handbag from Ecuador last year and I just love telling everyone that when they ask because I know no one will find one like it here in the states.

4. Mid Century Modern Decor: Most of the pieces from that era are unique and really rare. I love the simplicity of the furniture.

5. Music: My taste is all over. It is my calming mechanism. I can grab my Zune player and get lost in the music. I can go from Mary Mary, Phil Collins, Boney James, Mary J. Blige, Common, Raheem Devaughn, and Beethoven all in one session.

I know the rules said tag 5, since I'm a newbie around these parts I tagged 3.
Paying it forward to:

Quick's Catch Up
the k-spot


  1. Well, you may be new to blogging, but I think it is a good one. And a well deserved award.

    I don't know how I could not have put heels on my list. I already did a whole post . . .well a few . . .dedicated to the obsession I have with them.
    Goodness I pre-order them from some sites.
    I own two pairs of flats.
    Good thing my daughter wears the same size so if I need flats I can wear hers.

  2. Ha! My first time venturing over to your spot and I see I have been tagged. I hate playing outside, but I'll see what I can do.
