Sunday, February 15, 2009

What More Can I Say......?

First, Happy Valentine's Day to all.

Okay, since I don't have that special someone in my life at this current moment. I decided to spend V-Day with my mother and one of our good friends. We did all of the girlie things like going to the beauty supply store, shopping, getting hair done, and then getting something to eat. The day was pretty decent besides a couple of phone calls; one from a friend who really needs to drop her man because they are arguing every single day and one from my friend who at the last minute asked my to babysit. Uhhh nooo, I refuse because 1. she asked at the last minute and 2. I just don't want to cut my day short to watch someone else's child (even if said child is my god-daughter, emphasis on god). The interesting part of my day comes right around when it is time to eat.

First we get to the restaurant and we wait about 15-20 minutes, that was to be expected. When we sat down a party of twelve ended up being seated right behind us. Now we're seated in a booth with two empty ones behind us. The people that were in this gigantic party had the nerve to sit their children by themselves in one booth knowing they are mannish and down right BAD!! So we ended up moving to the booth that was empty right in front of our booth-much better. As we're eating some how some way the discussion went to sex........................WHY WHY WHY!!! The last thing I wanted to do was hear my mom and our friend (same age range as my mother speak about their past sex lives). Well needless to say after that discussion I've come to realize that saved women are completely hilarious.

Our friend discussed how she hurt one guy's feelings because he was not packing. Her words were "That's it! You can't be serious!" Talk about killing egos. And my mother. Lord! She goes on to tell how one guy in her past had the smallest "digit" and she asked him if it was in or not? They finished the conversation by saying if he not doing it right there will be some problems in the relationship which I do feel is true. The last thing that was said is one that I will never forget. 1. If he bouncin' on you and you can't feel it, then you need to bounce him right off of you and 2. If he doesn't have these three then he needs to step:a. length, b. strength, and c. endurance. Now what more can be said after hearing two saved women of the holy spirit talk like that????? For me not one thing!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL @ mannish! I ain't heard that word since the last time I was in Memphis -- love it!
