Friday, February 13, 2009

Has Anyone Seen Chris Hansen?

If any of you know his were abouts please tell him to *"beep me 911 or call me on my cell phone!"

No, seriously have you ever came in contact with a person and automatically you get the feeling that he or she would be a good candidate for MSNBC's"To Catch a Preditor" program on Dateline. Well, if you live in my world and walk in my shoes then you have. In my "Me" post I stated I have some of the most interesting situations happen to me. And that for sure is not an understatement.

Encounter 1
About a month ago while riding the bus home from work I ended up catching the eye of some "ashy hand" cornball. When I got off the bus he did too and just my luck he lived in my complex. Now I'm not one to talk to strangers so as we're walking he's talking and I'm doing a whole lot of ignoring. Needless to say he still felt interested. Long story short I ran into two more times with the last time ending in near hospitalization for him. I saw him on the bus and did my best to ignore him even going so far as to getting off at an earlier stop, but he just had to follow me. Now this was just not my day. The bottom fell out of the sky and rain and wind came like no other all the while this dude is following me and trying to talk. I'm wet, cold, and pissed off at this point. I make it to my building and this dude had the nerve to ask me if he could chill at my place till the rain stop....."Everyone of my teeth shouted HELL NO!!" He then proceeds to say "I'm feeling how you feel 'bout me?" Now I don't know what vibe he got from me cause the only thing I felt was myself reaching for my screwdriver that I keep in my bag. Here is the kicker before I could say anything this "dirt darber" KISSED ME!!! Oh all hell broke loose on my door step and that piss ant almost got stabbed.

Encounter 2
This one right here comes in the form a "I'm white and down with a sista" mail man. He would be at the mailbox whenever I got home. He would speak and say little comments here and there but nothing out of the way. Well one day he must have grown some steel balls because he began to flirt with me. Now, I'm not opposed to tasting the flavors of the rainbow, but I don't do old white men. Every time I'd see him he would give a wink and smile, but I'm not feeling that. Well yesterday, I don't know if it was the feeling of Valentine's Day in the air or what but he straight came out his mouth talking 'bout some I just love seeing your smile and I would ask to see more of you!!" Now as for what he meant by "see more of you" I don't wanna know. I gave one hell of a look and bolted to my building.

*Damn why can't I get a good looking man to pay me some attention. Instead, of these perverted looking, ashy hand having, old nasty thought having men? WHY WHY WHY!!!

*The first person that can tell me what song that line comes from will get 3 cherry flavored blow pops, 4 mini stickers, and two grape hug juices from me*

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