Sunday, February 8, 2009

What would you do?


Girls meets boy. Boy and girl hang out and fall for one another. Girl finds out that boy was doing some shady and underhanded things. Girl decides to stick it through with boy. They go out one last time and boy acts a damn fool. Girl dismisses boy from her life. Boy gets his act together and decides calls girl. Now should girl take boy on his good intentions or should she let sleeping dogs stay where they are? Now what would you do?


Same boy from scenario above calls girl and asked her to go to Las Vegas with him for a week in June. Now girl knows that boy has feelings for her that are more than friendship. She wants to go but know that the opportunity of sex or something sexual may present itself. However, the only thing is that girl has decided to stay celebate until she gets married. Now should girl go and try to obstain while out in Vegas or should she just say forget it and stay home? What would you do?


  1. Just be honest, let him know that you are not giving up the goods to anyone, including him. If he can respect that cool, otherwise, you might have to tell him to kick rocks.

  2. 1st scenario. . . If it was only his behavior that caused the demise of the relationship. . .no cheating, abuse etc, and there was a real connection. And if it was only because of immature behavior that ended it or you two would still be together. . I would consider taken him back as long as he can prove with his actions.

    2 scenario. . .it is best to be honest up front that a person is waiting for sex until marriage. And if the other person isn't feeling that then no.
