Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Being Black in America

Darky, pickaninny, jigaboo, Negro, nigger, colored, black, Afro-American, and African American all monikers used to describe blacks in America. However, they do not define what it means to be black in America. Being black in America is more than race, color, a name, physical appearance, or classification. It is a gift from God that should be held with great pride and honor. God saw first to create us in his own image then he took the time out to create a group of strong willed people. He knew that we would be tried, tested, and would eventually overcome.

Being black in today’s America means walking the paths of all of the elders that came before us. We stand on the shoulders of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, George Washington Carver, and Frederick Douglas; just to name a few. Their teachings and actions have paved the way for today’s generation. If we’re going to make it as a community we have to unite the younger generation with the older generation. We can no longer live out the “Willie Lynch letter.” There is no more time for “I don’t like because you’re light skin and I’m dark skin.” There is no more time for disrespecting your elders and there is absolutely no more time for living out the “crab in a barrel syndrome.” Meaning when you see one of your brothers and sisters trying to make it out don’t pull them back because you’re miserable and misery loves company. Instead, push them because you never know he or she may turn around and grab by the hand.

We cannot change the perception of the black community individually, but by becoming one sound, one mind, and one voice we can change the perception together. We have to kill the notion of procrastination and selfishness. Now is the time to reach that lost brother and sister standing out on the block. They are the key to the future. We have to educate them about the love of God, first, then love them the way God loves us, unconditionally. By doing that they will see that black love is real and beautiful.

Being black in America doesn’t mean walking with your head hung low and your pants even lower. It means walking tall, walking strong, and walking united. Being black today doesn’t mean trying to get your swag back or your ride pimped. It means living above and beyond the stereotypes that have been put before you. Don’t let the March on Washington, the bombing of the four little girls in Montgomery, Alabama, and the passing of the Civil Rights Act die in vain. We have to take what has been given to us and apply it so that we can become the majority and longer be the minority.

I once heard someone say “there are no more black leaders.” Well we all know that is not true. The days of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are for those old school players. It’s the dawn of a new day and we need fresh and new players to take the field. Yes, there is President Obama, but he is only one man. So where are our leaders? Look to your left then look to your right. You have just seen our future black leaders. Now if we are going to make it we have to step back and support our black leaders. This can be done by sitting aside childish ways, becoming educated individuals, and loving one another as God loves us.

When it comes to the quote un quote African American community, I feel a sense of love, pride, honor, and disappointment. I love my people, I take pride in the gifts that God has given us, I honor the many accomplishments, but I also feel disappointment. We have come so far and achieved so much yet it seems as if we cannot come together unless tragedy is on the other end. Being black in America is not about living our Satan’s plan to kill, steal, and destroy. Instead we have to come together as one so that our present will not relive our past. We must realize that the past is behind us, our present is ever changing, and our future is staring us right in the face.

If we want to take on the responsibility of being black in America, then we need to get ready because any and everything will be pushed our way. Nevertheless, God has ordained us to be strong as well as proud and for that I am forever grateful to be BLACK IN AMERICA!!!

Copyright © 2009 by Miss_Me All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this may be used or reproduced in without the author's consent.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What More Can I Say......?

First, Happy Valentine's Day to all.

Okay, since I don't have that special someone in my life at this current moment. I decided to spend V-Day with my mother and one of our good friends. We did all of the girlie things like going to the beauty supply store, shopping, getting hair done, and then getting something to eat. The day was pretty decent besides a couple of phone calls; one from a friend who really needs to drop her man because they are arguing every single day and one from my friend who at the last minute asked my to babysit. Uhhh nooo, I refuse because 1. she asked at the last minute and 2. I just don't want to cut my day short to watch someone else's child (even if said child is my god-daughter, emphasis on god). The interesting part of my day comes right around when it is time to eat.

First we get to the restaurant and we wait about 15-20 minutes, that was to be expected. When we sat down a party of twelve ended up being seated right behind us. Now we're seated in a booth with two empty ones behind us. The people that were in this gigantic party had the nerve to sit their children by themselves in one booth knowing they are mannish and down right BAD!! So we ended up moving to the booth that was empty right in front of our booth-much better. As we're eating some how some way the discussion went to sex........................WHY WHY WHY!!! The last thing I wanted to do was hear my mom and our friend (same age range as my mother speak about their past sex lives). Well needless to say after that discussion I've come to realize that saved women are completely hilarious.

Our friend discussed how she hurt one guy's feelings because he was not packing. Her words were "That's it! You can't be serious!" Talk about killing egos. And my mother. Lord! She goes on to tell how one guy in her past had the smallest "digit" and she asked him if it was in or not? They finished the conversation by saying if he not doing it right there will be some problems in the relationship which I do feel is true. The last thing that was said is one that I will never forget. 1. If he bouncin' on you and you can't feel it, then you need to bounce him right off of you and 2. If he doesn't have these three then he needs to step:a. length, b. strength, and c. endurance. Now what more can be said after hearing two saved women of the holy spirit talk like that????? For me not one thing!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Has Anyone Seen Chris Hansen?

If any of you know his were abouts please tell him to *"beep me 911 or call me on my cell phone!"

No, seriously have you ever came in contact with a person and automatically you get the feeling that he or she would be a good candidate for MSNBC's"To Catch a Preditor" program on Dateline. Well, if you live in my world and walk in my shoes then you have. In my "Me" post I stated I have some of the most interesting situations happen to me. And that for sure is not an understatement.

Encounter 1
About a month ago while riding the bus home from work I ended up catching the eye of some "ashy hand" cornball. When I got off the bus he did too and just my luck he lived in my complex. Now I'm not one to talk to strangers so as we're walking he's talking and I'm doing a whole lot of ignoring. Needless to say he still felt interested. Long story short I ran into two more times with the last time ending in near hospitalization for him. I saw him on the bus and did my best to ignore him even going so far as to getting off at an earlier stop, but he just had to follow me. Now this was just not my day. The bottom fell out of the sky and rain and wind came like no other all the while this dude is following me and trying to talk. I'm wet, cold, and pissed off at this point. I make it to my building and this dude had the nerve to ask me if he could chill at my place till the rain stop....."Everyone of my teeth shouted HELL NO!!" He then proceeds to say "I'm feeling you...so how you feel 'bout me?" Now I don't know what vibe he got from me cause the only thing I felt was myself reaching for my screwdriver that I keep in my bag. Here is the kicker before I could say anything this "dirt darber" KISSED ME!!! Oh all hell broke loose on my door step and that piss ant almost got stabbed.

Encounter 2
This one right here comes in the form a "I'm white and down with a sista" mail man. He would be at the mailbox whenever I got home. He would speak and say little comments here and there but nothing out of the way. Well one day he must have grown some steel balls because he began to flirt with me. Now, I'm not opposed to tasting the flavors of the rainbow, but I don't do old white men. Every time I'd see him he would give a wink and smile, but I'm not feeling that. Well yesterday, I don't know if it was the feeling of Valentine's Day in the air or what but he straight came out his mouth talking 'bout some I just love seeing your smile and I would ask to see more of you!!" Now as for what he meant by "see more of you" I don't wanna know. I gave one hell of a look and bolted to my building.

*Damn why can't I get a good looking man to pay me some attention. Instead, of these perverted looking, ashy hand having, old nasty thought having men? WHY WHY WHY!!!

*The first person that can tell me what song that line comes from will get 3 cherry flavored blow pops, 4 mini stickers, and two grape hug juices from me*

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What would you do?


Girls meets boy. Boy and girl hang out and fall for one another. Girl finds out that boy was doing some shady and underhanded things. Girl decides to stick it through with boy. They go out one last time and boy acts a damn fool. Girl dismisses boy from her life. Boy gets his act together and decides calls girl. Now should girl take boy on his good intentions or should she let sleeping dogs stay where they are? Now what would you do?


Same boy from scenario above calls girl and asked her to go to Las Vegas with him for a week in June. Now girl knows that boy has feelings for her that are more than friendship. She wants to go but know that the opportunity of sex or something sexual may present itself. However, the only thing is that girl has decided to stay celebate until she gets married. Now should girl go and try to obstain while out in Vegas or should she just say forget it and stay home? What would you do?

And The Award Goes To:

Sharon "The True Urban Queen" thought I had a fabulous blog and decided to put on the list of her five or more people. I feel honored because I am new to the blogging world. Well here are my five in no particular order.

Here are the rules:

1. You need to list 5 Addictions that you have.
2. You have to pass this Tag to five (5) or more people with fabulous Blogs.

MY FIVE ADDICTIONS (the clean version):

1. The First 48: I have been addicted to this show every since season one back in 2004. I don't know what it is about the show? I guess its me wanting to be working in the legal field. I plan on going to law school and I just love trying to read the body language of those who are lying.

2. Shoes: Especially heels. I cannot have enough high heels. Every time I promise myself that I'm going to buy flats for work I end up buying high heels instead. I believe its a borderline fetish.

3. Handbags: This is almost as bad as my love for shoes. Doesn't matter the color as long as the style is unique. I bought a really cute caramel colored handbag from Ecuador last year and I just love telling everyone that when they ask because I know no one will find one like it here in the states.

4. Mid Century Modern Decor: Most of the pieces from that era are unique and really rare. I love the simplicity of the furniture.

5. Music: My taste is all over. It is my calming mechanism. I can grab my Zune player and get lost in the music. I can go from Mary Mary, Phil Collins, Boney James, Mary J. Blige, Common, Raheem Devaughn, and Beethoven all in one session.

I know the rules said tag 5, since I'm a newbie around these parts I tagged 3.
Paying it forward to:

Quick's Catch Up
the k-spot

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Who Is He??

Black banana cream
his thoughts deeper than Dr. King's dream

His mind spans the hands of time
not loving him would be a crime

A confident swagger that consumes the room
Speak-do I dare, maybe..okay I should...

And I did, but...I can't
vocalize what I realized he had my body paralyzed as he spoke to me

That voice deeper than the rumbling of thunder
my body shook

my heart skipped
my mind accelerated

Exasperated by his voice I couldn't speak
only a meek tone came from me

I began to stare
his eyes-browner than chocolate

with an Omar Epps resemblance
I cracked a smile, so did he

but before we could speak
beep...beep....beep...beep-time to get up!!!

17 Days and Counting!!!!

17 days until my church has its annual Black History Program. And yours truly has been asked to speak. The theme and topic for the night is "Being Black in America." Now I am working on what I am going to say and once everything is done with I will post it later. Because I love knowing what others are thinking; why don't you all leave me some of your thoughts on the topic "Being Black in America."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

By the Power Vested in Me: I Now Name You:

My place of employment.....well let me first say that in spite of my current standings here I do thank God for having this job because I could be among the masses that are unemployed. So I do give praises for that. However, you know like any other job there are issues, people, and office drama to deal with. For you to get a better feel as to where I'm coming from I'm gonna give you a rundown of the elements at work:

White Shadow Crew

*Wifey: I know you've heard of the casting couch well around here it was "the office" ask anyone and they'll say her position came from a male jump off that made her "wifey" status permanent.

*Hollywood aka Rick Flair: imagine that! Older man around mid 50s thinks he looks younger with his sweater vest, button down, two gold chains, hair slicked back, and oh one button open at the top to show his white/gray chest hair.

*Mr. Oblong: that is just how he looks from the back...too unique and unflattering. Has an awkward smell, but all in all a cool yet smelly guy.

*The Unthinkable: I never thought it would be possible for someone to sound like a human vocorder!! Oh he can be so so so.....let me say it is best for him to work silently.

*Big Bertha: Funky attitude that will never come at me the wrong way. Looks like an overdose steroid induced Elly Mae Clampet...and that is all I'm gonna say about her.

now the issue with this group is that they will appear busy and will make frequent walking trips only to see who or what work is not being done and will then report back to "wifey" who will then document her their findings.

Television Crew

*The Great Gazoo: If you can remember that green little martian and his big head picture that on a short 50+ year old woman with the same annoying voice.

*Aunt Bee: Pronounced "Ant" Bee. The ever patient and caring motherly type. However, this lady comes with an exception she uses the bathroom in 20 minute intervals, but she is very sweet.

*Squidward: Just picture him human, white, and still uptight!!

*Little Bill: Now this dude is cooler than a fan, but picture Little Bill at age 27. Big head, little body, and a Napoleon complex to match.

*Baloo: He also goes by the name jungle booty. Just look at Baloo when he walks away and you will understand the name.

*Dennis the Menace: I call him the coolest white dude ever, but he showed me some pictures from his childhood and all I could think was Dennis the Menace.

*Patrick: Spongebob's lovable sidekick. However, this guy is not as dumb but just as lame. With all of that said he still manage to garner a jump off in the building.

*Miss Jay: Unlike Tyra's Miss Jay this one is really a woman, but if she had a twin he would be it!!

*Lucy: Charlie Brown's nemesis and the proverbial complainer. This lady can work a nerve with her whining.

*Foghorn Leghorn: Big and loud that is all I will say.

*Carlton Banks: This is the new and improved C Banks. NO sweater vest or Tom Jones, but the corny factor is still there.

as you can see I watch entirely to much television.

Food For Thought

*Greek Salad: She's nice, but always feels the need to diet and oh yeah she's Greek.

*Spoiled Milk: The old heads in my family would say sour or clabbered milk. To me it doesn't matter cause however you say it that mess still stinks and so does he.

*Laffy Taffy: No matter when you see this guy he is wearing a smile and always laughing.

Okay they don't make you hungry, but the names describe them best!!


What can be said about "ME"?

My faith in God is always first in my life.

I can be the coolest friend you will ever have that is until you do me wrong.

I will never intentionally hurt someone; pain is the last thing anyone wants to feel.

At times I can be a bit complex.

In new surroundings I find myself staying quiet until I warm up to people; hence I'm not quite the people person at first sight.

I cannot stand drama.

I cannot stand GHETTO MESS.

At the current moment I am not where I want to be in life.

I am accident prone...so don't stand to close to me!!

I always seem to have the craziest situations happen to me.

I am very compassionate to others.

I feel there is nothing better than a well educated man.

I feel there is nothing better than a good looking dark skin man....I don't discriminate, but they do something to me and my insides...woo!!!

I plan on traveling the world....Ancient Rome, Greece, Milan, Fiji, Brazil, South Africa...you get the picture.

I love being me and will do nothing out of the ordinary to not be me.

I don't have time for the foolishness...men, friends, family, situations, or anything else that may classify.

I may not speak on everything I see, but rest assure I do observe and take mental notes.

Don't take me being nice and quiet for a weakness....I do have a mouthpiece and will use it with not problem.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I'm new to the blog world. I have followed....let me change that. I am following many blogs at the moment. I love the different aspects of all of them. I have just now gotten the courage to start my own. I welcome advice from everyone. If you like my blog, see room for improvement, or if have constructive criticism please let me know.


Eye Wonder

Look at this precious face. You would never know that she has to live in some of the harshest living condtions I've ever seen. On my second trip to Gauyaquil, Ecuador as a missionary I the chance to take this picture. I saved the picture in black and white mode so you could see the true power behind those eyes. I only saw what it was like for her for a day so I can only imagine what she sees on a daily basis. Its now a year later and I can only wonder if I will see this baby again. When I look in her eyes I see a story of pain, struggle, and future triumphs. I know she will be tested, but I have faith in God that she will be a virtuous woman one day.

Journey 2 The Past

I've been down this road many times over. Some days I find myself traveling this road while at work or when trying to go to sleep. I find myself walking on a never ending road that leads to nowhere. Nowhere meaning I have some unresolved issues that have plagued me for some time now.

My walk starts in my teenage years. Those years where not fun for me at all. There were many internal demons that followed me as well as the physical demons that went to school with me. Instead of dealing with my issues I learned to internalize them. I masked my loneliness with fake smiles and masked my insecurities with toughness. All the while I felt as if my world was coming down around me........old feelings surface.....I feel the need to bring my journey into the present.

Its okay to remember the past but frequent journeys can hinder the soul. Healing my soul is primary focus right now. That is why I must end my journey to the past.